Palladius (Kafarov)

Pyotr Ivanovich Kafarow (Russian Пётр Иванович Кафаров, scientific transliteration Pëtr Ivanovič Kafarov; * 1817, † 1878), also known under his monastic name Palladius ( Палладий ), was a Russian Archimandrite and sinologist.

Transcription, which he uses for the Chinese developed ( Palladius transcription ), is to this day in Russia.


Kafarow was the son of an Orthodox priest and visited the Kazan seminary. In the first year at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, he took his monastic vows and accompanied the Archimandrite Polycarp Tugarinow on the 12th Russian spiritual mission in the Empire of China in 1840. He stayed for seven years in Beijing and studied the Chinese language and literature. In 1847 he returned to St. Petersburg back to prepare for the 13th mission trip ( 1850-1858 ), he taught by his confreres. This trip has already taken place under his leadership.

From 1859 was Kafarow church leaders of the Russian Embassy Church in Rome.

On the 15th mission trip ( 1864-1878 ), which also was under the leadership of Kafarow, a geographical and ethnological expedition to the Ussuri River (1870 /71) was in addition to the spiritual work undertaken. On his return from this mission, the monk died in 1878.

For decades Kafarow worked on a Russian- Chinese dictionary. After his death, the work of the Russian diplomats PS Popov was continued and completed.


  • Biography of Buddha ( Жизнеописание Будды, in work of the Beijing clergy Mission Volume 1 ( Труды пекинской духовной миссии, том I) )
  • Historical Outline of ancient Buddhism ( Исторический очерк древнего буддизма, ibid, Vol 2)
  • Old Mongolian legends of Genghis Khan ( Старинное монгольское сказание о Чингисхане, ibid, Vol 4)
  • The travels of the Taoist monk Changkya Tschunja in the West ( Путешествие даосского монаха Чан - чуня на Запад, ibid )
  • Two weeks in a Chinese idol temple ( Две недели в китайской кумирне ) in contemporary ( Современник, 1863)
  • Ancient Chinese legends about Genghis Khan ( Старинное китайское сказание о Чингисхане, in: Eastern Collection ) ( Восточный сборник, 1877)
  • Old traces of Christianity in China ( Старинные следы христианства в Китае, ibid )
  • Elucidations of the Marco Polo 's Travels in North China (. Journal of the North China Branch of the R. As Soc, vol X, 1876. . ); "
  • Historical Outline of the Ussuri Region ( Исторический очерк Уссурийского края 1879)

Main work

  • Chinese- Russian Dictionary, completed by PS Popov, Beijing 1889
  • Sinologist
  • Orthodox monk
  • Russian
  • Born in 1817
  • Died in 1878
  • Man