Pandanus amaryllifolius

Amaryllifolius Pandanus leaves

Pandanus amaryllifolius is a species of the genus of screw pines (Pandanus ) in the family of screw pine plants ( Pandanaceae ). The first description of William Roxburgh was published posthumously in 1832. A synonym is Pandanus odorus Ridl .. The type is in much of Southeast Asia in culture.


Pandanus amaryllifolius is an evergreen that forms woody aerial roots. The sword-shaped leaves smell pleasant nutty; it is the only species within the genus Pandanus rich in forms with this property. The aroma unfold especially dried leaves.

Male flowers are very rare; to female flowers there is no scientific description. Thus, the plant is considered to be sterile; in culture, it is propagated asexually.


The species is in many parts of tropical Asia in culture. The original distribution is not known; a presumption are the Moluccas as origin.


The fragrant leaves, which contain various alkaloids are used in many cuisines of Southeast Asia as a spice. Since they can not be dried without loss of flavor, they are either fresh or in the form of an essence. The intense aroma is described as similar to slightly nutty vanilla.

The fresh leaves ( Indonesian Daun pandan, Thai Bai toei, ใบ เตย ) are either simmered or else the food is wrapped in leaves and steamed or fried in these; in all cases the leaves are used only flavoring and will not be consumed. Frequently pandan leaves are used in the preparation of high-quality rice varieties less, as their taste can be lifted.


The plants of the pest can Laminococcus pandani from the family of mealybugs ( Pseudococcidae ) are affected.

In the countries of origin pandan leaves are used for repelling cockroaches

