
White Morning Lily ( paradiseâ liliastrum )

The Paradise Lilies ( paradiseâ ) or funnel lilies are a genus in the subfamily of the agave ( Agavoideae ) within the family of asparagus plants ( Asparagaceae ). They were also sometimes in the family of Asphodelus ( Asphodelaceae ) classified.


The paradiseâ species grow as perennial herbaceous plants and achieve growth heights of 30 to 50 cm. The upright stems are naked axes. From the grassy, linealischen ground leaves of differ -ended leaf base includes the stems.

The einseitswendigen, racemose inflorescences are two to zehnblütig. The bracts are pointed and the stem comprehensively. The short- stalked flowers are hermaphroditic, funnel-shaped and threefold. They have six white, identically shaped bracts ( tepals ) and six stamens, a stylus with thickened scar (formed of three carpels ).


The genus paradiseâ in 1811 by the Italian botanist Giovanni Mazzucato ( 1787 to 1814 ) with the type species paradiseâ hemeroanthericoides Mazzuc. in Viaggio Botanico all'Alpi Giulie ...., p.27 erected. With the generic name paradiseâ Giovanni Mazzucato honored his patron, the Earl G. Paradisi (1760-1826) from Modena.

There are only about two paradiseâ types:

  • White Morning Lily ( paradiseâ liliastrum (L.) Bertol, Syn. Liliastrum Hemerocallis L.)
  • Portuguese funnel lily ( paradiseâ lusitanica ( Cout. ) Samp, Syn. Paradiseâ liliastrum lusitanica var Cout. )