Parco degli Acquedotti

Villa delle Vignacce Casale di Roma Vecchia

The Parco degli Acquedotti, German Park of the aqueducts, also Parco dei 7 Acquedotti, German Park of the Seven Aqueducts, is a 240,000 m² of green space in Munizipio VII of Rome, which is part of the Regional Park of Appia Antica, German Regional Park Via Appia Antica. The name is derived from the remains of Roman aqueducts seven which are located on the premises.


The park was first eliminated in the structure plan of 1965 as a green area and was dispossessed in the 1970s, as well as exempt from informal settlements. Although it was planned to rehabilitate the structural remains of the aqueducts after the evacuation of the site, for the time being remained everything the same and it came back new informal settlements. In 1986, the citizens' initiative Comitato per la salva guardia del Parco degli Acquedotti was e di Roma Vecchia, German Association for the Protection of the Parco degli Acquedotti and of ancient Rome founded, given the poor condition of the remains and the impending redevelopment of the site. With the support of some intellectuals reached the citizens' initiative that the park was established in 1988 the regional Parco Appia antica affiliated. 2011 Marrana Mariana was again put in order.


On the grounds of the park following archaeological remains are found:

  • Arches of the aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Anio Novus. Both aqueducts were started 38 AD under the emperor Caligula and completed in 52 AD under the emperor Claudius.
  • Arches of the Acqua Felice aqueduct, which was built by Pope Sixtus V. 1585-1590. A part of the Aqua Marcia was destroyed, so that today only a few remnants of it can be seen.
  • Campo Barbarico, German barbarian camp, an area that is enclosed by the two twice crossing aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Aqua Marcia and 539 was used by the Ostrogoths King Witichis during the siege of Rome as a fortified army camp.
  • Bahnwärterhaus Sellaretto the old railway line Rome - Ceprano from 1862
  • Casale di Roma Vecchia, German house of ancient Rome, a manor house dating from the 13th century and houses a collection of objects that have been found during excavations in the 7th century.
  • Mühlkanal Marrana, which is supplied by Acqua Mariana, which was built by Pope Callisto II in 1122
  • Tomba dei Cento Scalini, German grave of a hundred steps, a Hypogeum from the 2nd century
  • Tor Fiscale, German customs tower, 30 meters high tower from the middle ages to the intersection of the two aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Aqua Marcia
  • Villa dei Sette Bassi, after Villa Quintili the second largest villa in the suburbs of Rome, which is attributed to a Consul or Prefect named Settimio Basso.
  • Villa delle Vignacce, German Villa of the vineyards that Quintus Servilius Pudens is attributed.