Paul Foster Case

Paul Foster Case ( born October 3, 1884 in Fairport, New York, † March 2, 1954 in Mexico) was an American occultist and Rosicrucian.


Paul Foster Case was born the son of a city librarian and deacon of a local parish church. The age of five he was taught by his mother in piano and organ and became the organist of the parish church. Also already in his childhood he became interested in the occult and had experiences in lucid dreaming. In 1900 there was a meeting between Case and Claude Bragdon who questioned Case of the origin of playing cards. This meant that Case in his father's library came to the Tarot, which should fascinate him from now on his life.

Between 1905 and 1908, Case for yoga started to get interested.

1916 published a case today regarded as fundamental series of articles that are titled by the name of the secret of the Tarot doctrine.

In 1918 he met Michael Whitty, the editor of the magazine Azoth and in the same year treasurer of the Thoth - Hermes Lodge of the Rosecurian Order of Alfa and Omega, a group that after the collapse of the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers formed around.

In 1920, Whitty what Case attributed to the, in his view, unhealthy preoccupation with the Enochian magic died. Paul Foster Case moved to Los Angeles and began to set up his own Order, the Builders of the Adytum ( BOTA ), and said goodbye to final of a career as a musician. Over the next three decades, he developed a complete curriculum and a correspondence system, which includes everything that is part of the Western Hermetic tradition, including Tarot, Kabbalah and alchemy.

1937 Case described in the journal " Wheel of life" what the BOTA System is to make up his opinion. The BOTA of the system, Case, is the direct successor of the Golden Dawn, which had been cleaned but from the dangerous and dubious elements of magic, which took over the Golden Dawn by John Dee and Edward Kelley.

On March 2, 1954 Paul Foster Case died while vacationing with his wife in Mexico.
