Paul Majunke

Paul Majunke (* July 14, 1842 in United - Schmograu at Wohlau, † May 21 1899 in Hochkirch at Glogau ) was a German Catholic priest, writer and politician of the Centre Party.

Majunke studied from 1861 to 1866 Theology and Law at the University of Breslau and received a doctorate in theology. in Rome. Then he traveled through Europe. In 1867 Majunke was ordained a priest. He then worked as a chaplain in Neusalz on the Oder and Breslau. Later he was editor of the Cologne newspaper people by Julius Bachem. In 1870 he was dismissed because his writing style seemed too sharp. He was subsequently temporarily pastor in Glogau.

Since 1871 he was the first editor of the newly founded newspaper Germania. This sheet was the Centre Party very close. Under the direction of Majunke was the Germania to one of the leading Catholic newspapers. In the Kulturkampf Majunke wrote numerous sharp articles in defense of the Catholic cause against the Prussian government.

Since 1874-1884 Majunke was a member of the Centre Party in the Reichstag, and from 1878 to 1884 a member of the Prussian House of Representatives.

Because of its press articles Majunke was sentenced to two years imprisonment for press offenses and lese majeste. His actual arrest in 1874 sparked widespread criticism of all political parties because they disregarded the parliamentary immunity. As a result, Otto von Bismarck even wanted to resign. The request was rejected but by Emperor William I..

With the decline of the Kulturkampf endeavored also the Catholic camp for de-escalation. Because the uncompromising Article Majunkes were opposed to this goal, he lost his leading position in the newspaper Germania. Instead, he had been from 1878 to 1884 editor of the " Center - correspondence ".

When he was not re-elected in 1884, he became pastor in Hochkirch. He remained active as a writer and now turned sharply against the Protestant Prussia. With its intransigence, he brought his party temporarily embarrassed appreciable effect had his writings but no more.
