Peloponnese Wall Lizard

Peloponnese Wall Lizard ( Podarcis peloponnesiacus )

The Peloponnese Wall Lizard ( Podarcis peloponnesiacus ) is the largest lizard species from the genus of wall lizards. It is found exclusively in the Peloponnese in Greece.


The Peloponnese Wall Lizard is the largest species of lizards and reached a total length from 22 to 27 centimeters. Of her body reaching 6 to 8.5 centimeters and her tail about twice the length. Your back is usually brownish and clear vertical stripes in males and greenish especially in females. The type usually has two to four spinal stripe and several dark longitudinal bands, but it may also occur without drawing. In addition, it often has striking blue shields on the belly edge and on the flanks. The belly is whitish, orange or red and unmarked.


They are found exclusively in the Peloponnese in Greece. They live in flat and mountainous country until about 1600 meters altitude, especially on dry and rocky areas, in olive groves as well as in uninhabited buildings and on roadsides.

Way of life

The lizards are diurnal and live almost exclusively on the ground.
