
Naegleria fowleri

The Heterolobosea are a group of amoeboid protozoa and belong to the excavata.


The representatives are amoeba, feeding on heterotrophic. You have eruptive pseudopodia. The amoeboid life form predominates, but there are also flagellate stages. These usually have two or four parallel arranged flagella. A genus consists of obligate flagellate. The flagellate stages are rarely able to take food; if so, then with a pit -shaped cytostome (cell mouth).

Mitosis proceeds closed with internal spindle apparatus. The cristae are flattened, often disc-shaped. Dictyosomes are not known.


The Heterolobosea will be provided to excavata. They were temporarily divided into three groups, namely the Vahlkampfiidae that Gruberellidae and Acrasidae. Newer classifications they summarize in a group Tetramitia and provide them with only the mono generic Pharyngomonadidae over as sister taxon.

  • Tetramitia Flow amoebae ( Vahlkampfia )
  • Stephanopogon
  • Pocheina
  • Acrasis
  • Naegleria, in Naegleria fowleri
  • Pharyngomonadidae Pharyngomonas


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