
The term refers to performance in the performing arts, the performance of a stage work or concert before an audience. Unlike a representation that a work of visual art as it were statically presented in the rule for a specific period of time, the performance forms an instantaneous, dynamic artistic events that can be experienced only in the immediate presence (or recorded).

Forms of performances by Genre

Depending on the artistic genre clarified to the special performance practice as a theatrical performance, opera, ballet, concert, etc.

Performances may be medially directly transmitted or recorded. In its reproduction and the film (which is always a recording ) is called screening.

Depending on the genre these performances are a whole unit (eg, play ) or multiple, independent sequences ( pieces in the classical concert practice, numbers in modern popular music, cabaret or circus performances and the like ).

One performance is usually based on a fixed written output abstract book, libretto, scenario or score. You usually go month-long samples ahead. The preparations include the design of the stage space.

Special forms of performances

Particularly striking performances, the samples show about the press, and the public dress rehearsal apply.

As a premiere, the first is referred to by several performances. We distinguish the premiere as a general first performance of a work by the first performance in the context of a particular production or in its German translation.

See also

  • Live, reading, performance (theater ), performance (Fine Art)
  • Performance