
Strauchporling ( Phylloporia ribis )

Phylloporia is a fungal genus that was separated from the fire sponges ( Phellinus ).

The type species is Phylloporia parasitica.


The multi-annual fruiting bodies are laid out flat to the substrate to pileat. The cinnamon-brown to dark brown hat has a soft and thick tomentum on a clear thin and dark zone. The top usually shows a narrow to wide, concentrically grooved zoning. The surface of the entire, angular to rounded pores and tubes are brown. The light to dark brown and thin Trama is delimited by the thick felt covering on the hat with a distinct dark zone. The fruiting bodies black with potassium hydroxide solution. The monomitische Hyphensystem consists of colorless to pale russet and simple septate generative hyphae. Setae absent. The elliptical, slightly thick-walled and aged light yellowish colored spores are less than 5 microns in size. The species of the genus colonize hardwood, often living bushes or strikingly thin, dead branches on living trees or on living leaves. Phylloporia is a predominantly tropical genus.


To Europe, the type is specified:
