Piani di Praglia

The Piani di Praglia ( in German: Pragliaebenen ) form a plateau in the Italian region of Liguria. Located at an altitude 780-900 meters above sea level, near the watershed Liguria Po Valley and belonging to the province of Genoa.

Geographically, the high level forms the front side of the Valle Stura, while the terrain surrounding the basin of the Piani di Praglia from which separate the valley of the Stura and the Polcevera Gorzente.

The nearby Colla di Praglia ( 879 meters ) is a mountain pass of the Ligurian Apennines and also serves as a stage stop the Alta Via of the Ligurian mountains. Popular destinations are also the Laghi del Gorzente, the Monte delle Figne, Monte Penello and Punta Martin.


The Piani di Praglia can be reached via the provincial road SP4 Pontedecimo and Ceranesi. The SP69 goes from Campo Ligure also on the plateau. Other roads are the SSP165 and 167 which connect Basso Piemonte with the Capanne di Marcarolo. However, the latter may be closed during the winter months in the subsection Colla Hermits - Sacrario della Benedicta.

  • Geography (Liguria )