Pierre-Charles Lochet

Pierre -Charles Lochet ( born February 24, 1767 in Châlons -sur -Marne, † February 8, 1807 at Prussian Eylau ) was a French brigadier general of infantry.


At seventeen Lochet joined in 1784 as a cadet in the royal army. With the outbreak of the Revolution he left the army. He only joined the revolutionaries, and later Napoleon Bonaparte and entered the Grande Armée.

Under the Emperor Lochet made ​​very fast career and in 1803 already brigadier general. As such, he fought among others at Austerlitz (2 December 1805) and Jena (14 October 1806).

In the battle of Eylau Prussian ( 7 / February 9, 1807 ) he was shot and buried there beside the same day killed General Louis -François Binôt.


  • His hometown honored him with a monument in the form of an obelisk on the Cimtière de l' Est
  • His name is found on the northern pillar (10th column) of the Arc de Triomphe on Place Charles -de- Gaulle ( Paris).