Pierre Goubert

Pierre Goubert ( born January 25, 1915 in Saumur, † January 16, 2012 in Issy -les -Moulineaux ) was a French historian, who is particularly concerned with the 17th and 18th centuries ( Ancien Régime ). It belongs to the Annales school and wrote biographies of Louis XIV and Mazarin.

Goubert went to Angers to school and studied from 1935 at the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud and turned under the influence of Marc Bloch of the Annales school of history. In 1939 he was called up briefly taught at schools as in Beauvais and sat casually in his studies with the Agrégation in 1948 and studied at the Sorbonne. In 1951, he conducted research for the CNRS, 1956 Directeur d' etudes at the Ecole pratique des hautes études, and was in 1958 a professor at the University of Rennes. In the same year he received his doctorate at Ernest Labrousse ( Beauvais et le Beauvaisis de 1600 à 1730). In 1965 he became a professor at the newly founded University of Paris X Nanterre and 1969 at the Sorbonne ( University of Paris I). In 1978, he went into retirement.

His book, Louis XIV and 20 million French people about everyday life under Louis XIV in 1966 became a bestseller as well as another of his historical works. In 1984 his introduction to the history of France.

He was a visiting professor at Princeton, among other things, Montreal, Japan, Kingston, Jamaica, the same leg and Madagascar.

As the successor to Marcel Reinhard, he was president of the Société historique de démographie.


  • Familles marc handes sous l' Ancien Régime: Danse et les les Moth, de Beauvais, Paris, 1959.
  • Beauvais et de la Beauvaisis 1600 à 1730, Paris, SEVPEN, 1960 ( doctoral thesis at the École pratique des hautes études )
  • Cent mille Provinciaux au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Ed. Flammarion, 1968 ( developed from his dissertation )
  • L' avènement du Roi -Soleil, Paris, Julliard, 1961.
  • Louis XIV et vingt millions de Français, Paris, Fayard, 1966 ( English Translation English Louis XIV and twenty million Frenchmen, 1970)
  • With Michel Denis 1789: les Français ont la parole, Paris, Julliard, 1965.
  • L ' Ancien Régime, Paris, Armand Colin, Volume 1 La société (1969 ), Volume 2 Les pouvoirs 1973 ( English translation of Volume 1. The ancien régime French society, 1600-1750, 1973)
  • Clio parmi les hommes. Recueil d'articles, Paris, EHESS, 1976.
  • La vie quotidienne dans les campagnes françaises au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Hachette, 1982 ( English edition: The French peasantry in the seventeenth century 1986)
  • Initiation à l' histoire de France, Paris, Fayard, 1984 ( received the Grand Prix Gobert, English edition The course of French history, 1988)
  • Daniel Roche Les Français et l' Ancien Régime. I - La Société et l' État, 1984
  • Mazarin, Paris, Fayard, 1990.
  • Un parcours d' histories. Souvenirs, 1915-1995, Paris, Fayard, 1996 ( memoir )
  • Le siècle de Louis XIV Recueil d'articles, Paris, Éditions de Fallois, 1996.