Pierre Jurieu

Pierre Jurieu ( born December 24, 1637 Mer ( near Blois ); † January 11, 1713 in Rotterdam) was a French Reformed theologian and one of the most important writers of the Huguenots.


Jurieu was born as the son of the pastor Daniel Jurieu. His mother was a daughter of the famous Huguenot theologian Pierre Du Moulin ( 1568-1658 ). After studying Protestant theology at the academies of Saumur and Sedan, where he in 1657 his first publication presented, and a study visit to the Netherlands and England, he was in 1660 succeeded his father in the pastorate in Mer in 1671 he was replaced by his controversial theological writing exam du livre de la Réunion du christianisme ou la manière de tous les rejoindre Chrétien sous une seule confession de foi known.

After the doctorate in philosophy and theology in 1674, he was appointed professor of theology and Hebrew at the Academy of Sedan. Here he published more theological and polemical writings, including the anti- Jacques Bénigne Bossuet Préservatif contre le changement de religion ( 1680).

As the Reformed Academy of Sedan was closed in 1681 by order of Louis XIV, Jurieu received a calling to Rouen. Because he feared persecution because of his being printed work La Politique du clergé de France, but he preferred an appeal to Rotterdam. There he served until his death as a pastor at the Walloon Church, and professor at the Ecole Illustre.


After the Edict of Fontainebleau in 1685 by Louis XIV Jurieu was one of the most influential journalistic champion of the Huguenots. In his Lettres pastoral adressees aux fideles de France qui gémissent sous la captivité de Babylone (1686-1695), he denied the legality of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and developed later taken up by Jean -Jacques Rousseau theory of the social contract.

They were distributed among the persecuted Huguenots in France and so encouraged the resistance of the camisards in Cevenol ( 1702-1705 ). His accomplissement of Propheties (1686 ) said, based on a pre- millenarian interpretation of the Book of Revelation for 1689 the downfall of Antichrist. Immediately translated into German and English, the book had influence on the success of the Glorious Revolution 1688/89. Because Pierre Bayle, Jurieus former friend and colleague in Sedan and current colleague in Rotterdam, in the Avis important aux réfugiés ( 1690) mocked the prediction and the Huguenots urged to exercise restraint, Jurieu unleashed a campaign against him that led to his dismissal in 1693. Also Bayles plea for tolerance he fought.

He also railed against other co-religionists, as against Pierre Poiret ( 1646-1719 ). Although he underlined his reformed Orthodox position at Le Vrai Système de l'Eglise et la véritable analysis de la foi (1686), he joined De Pace inter protestantes ineunda consultatio (1688 ) and for an approach to the Lutherans. His last great work Histoire Critique Of Dogmes Et Des Cultes (1704) earned him the reputation of a philo.


  • Emile Kappler: Bibliography critique de l' oeuvre de Pierre imprimée Jurieu, 1637-1713. Paris, Champion, 2002.

Headings ( recent editions )

  • Traitté de la nature et de la grace. Reprint of Utrecht in 1687 and 1688. Hildesheim [ ua], Olms, 1973.
  • Les soupirs de la France esclave, qui aspire après la liberté. Reprint of Amsterdam 1689 /. Amsterdam, 1976.
  • Lettres pastoral adressees aux fideles de France qui gemissent sous la captivité de Babylon. Reprint of Rotterdam, Acher, 1686-1695, ed. and introduced by Robin Howells ( = Pierre Bayle: Oeuvres diverses: Volumes supplement aires; Vol. 2). Hildesheim [ et al ], Olms, 1988.
  • L ' accomplissement of Prophéties ou la Délivrance prochaine de l' Eglise. Edited and introduced by Jean Delumeau. Paris, Editions Imprimerie Nationale, 1994.
  • Seasonable Advice to all Protestants in Europe of What Persuasion Soever, for Uniting and Defending Themselves Against Popish Tyranny. Edited and introduced by Daniel Röthlisberger. EEBO Editions, Proquest, 2010 (google books)