Pierre-Marie Carré

Pierre- Marie Joseph Carré ( born April 22, 1947 in Serques, Pas- de -Calais, France) is Archbishop of Montpellier.


Pierre -Marie Carré received on 7 September 1974, and was ordained priest incardinated in the clergy of the diocese of Agen.

Pope John Paul II appointed him on 13 July 2000 as Archbishop of Albi. He received his episcopal consecration of the Archbishop of Toulouse, Émile Marcus PSS, on 8 October of the same year; Co-consecrators were Jean -Charles Descubes, Bishop of Agen, and Michel Pierre Marie Mouïsse, Auxiliary Bishop of Grenoble. As a motto he chose Servir et non pas être servi. He was appointed Koadjutorerzbischof of Montpellier on May 14, 2010. Following the resignation of Guy Thomazeaus follow him on 3 June 2011 after the Archbishop of Montpellier. Benedict XVI. appointed him secretary of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2012.
