Piotr Ugrumov

Peteris Ugrjumovs ( born January 21, 1961 in Riga, Latvia) is a former Soviet (Russian, Latvian ) cyclist.

CV (name )

His birth name is Pyotr Sergeyevich Ugryumov (Russian Пётр Сергеевич Угрюмов ). He had a Soviet passport. In 1989 he moved to Italy. 1997 ran from his Soviet passport; he applied for Russian citizenship.

2005 he was awarded the Latvian citizenship also because of his cycling achievements. In his Latvian passport is Peteris Ugrjumovs; He will, however, continue in the media called Pyotr Ugryumov or Pyotr Ugrumov.

From 1983 to 1989 he drove in the Soviet team with the Peace Race.

He was professional from 1989 to 1999 His first professional team in 1989 Alfa Lum -STM from San Marino.; his last in 1999 Ballan- Alessio from Italy.

In 1994 came the breakthrough in the Tour de France: After the departure of the Swiss Tony Rominger, he became the greatest adversary of Miguel Indurain. He won two mountain stages in the Alps after the other. In the final standings he finished second with 5:39 minutes behind Indurain.

He is also on the patient list of doping physician Dr. Ferrari.

