
Piranhea trifoliata

The Piranheiras ( Piranhea ) are a genus of tropical trees of the family of Picrodendraceae, which is native to South America.


Piranheiras are dioecious trees with alternate, three -, five-lobed leaves rarely. The inconspicuous, kronblattlosen flowers are in axillary inflorescences. The fruits are dreisamige schizocarps.


The species of the genus come from Mexico to the Brazilian Amazon in tropical rain forests, especially in floodplains and along river banks before.


The fruits of Piranheira trees are just like butterfly caterpillars that infest the trees partly solid, the fall in rivers eaten by many fish, including different types of tetras. The good fishing opportunities in the area of these trees has earned them their name, which means about Piranha tree.


There are only four types:

  • Piranhea longepedunculata Jabl.
  • Piranhea mexicana ( Standl. ) Radcl. -Sm.
  • Piranhea Securinega Radcl. -Sm. & J.A.Ratter
  • Piranhea trifoliata Baill.