Pistols 'n' Petticoats

Pistols and Petticoats (Original Title: Pistols 'n' Petticoats ) is a 1966-1967 broadcast by CBS comedy western series in 26 episodes of 30 minutes each in length. Directed by Joe Connelly and Ezra Stone, for the screenplay were George Tibbles, Lois Hire and Paul West responsible.

From August 1967 to January 1968 ran 17 episodes in Germany on ZDF. It was the first color television series that aired in the Second German Television. The third episode had an audience share of 39.44 million viewers.


The series revolves around the adventures Hanks family of Wretched, Colorado. Although Henrietta Hanks ' daughter Lucy is without a father, but raised with the active help of grandmother and grandfather Effie Andrew. Unfortunately, life in Wretched is anything but simple. Sheriff Harold Sykes is a complete zero and so have nocturnal creatures in Wretched free path. If not Hanks family would be that often - even with the Boomstick - engaged, so in Wretched reign again peace and order.

