Piz Badile

Badile with North Rim and North wall

The Badile (Italian: Pizzo Badile; Piz is the Romansh word for summit ' Badile ' in Italian means ' bucket ') is a prominent mountain in the Alps in the south Bergeller the canton of Grisons. About the peak the border between Italy and Switzerland. He is 3'305 m high and rises between the Val Bondasca in the north, one to the Bergell associated tributary, and the Val Masino in the south, which drains directly to the Adda.

The Badile is the dominant peaks of the highly rugged Bondascagruppe, but he is from about 1 km east of Piz Cengalo ( 3'369 m above sea level. M. ) taller than 64 m. The famous north edge of the Badile rises between two torn glaciers, the Vadrec da la Trubinasca the west and the Vadrec dal Cengal in the East ( Vadrec is the Bergeller name for glacier). Particularly impressive are the alignment of the plate about 700 meters sloping northeast wall. They are the ones who have the Badile given by its funnel- shaped arrangement of the shape of a shovel, and the mountain did so come to his name.

The mountain is how the entire Bergeller Alps, from the so-called Bergeller granite, a granite with conspicuous large Kalifeldspatkristallen ( petrographically correct of the valley's granite is a granodiorite ). Liquid magma penetrated the Tertiary, about 30 million years ago approximately 20 km depth in the Pennine ceiling a. By raising operations along the Insubric line, a tertiary fracture zone in the Southern Alps, of the valley's granite came quickly to the surface.

Routes and ascents

Together with its neighboring peaks of Piz Badile is one of the most famous climbing mountains in the Alps.

The normal route leads from the south, from the Italian Gianettihütte the top Val Masino to the peak ( II). Was first conquered the Badile 1867 on the southern flank of WAB Coolidge with his companions F. and H. Devouassoud.

Starting point for climbing a mountain from the north, from the Swiss side is the Sasc Furä Hut ( 1'904 m above sea level. M. ), a hut of the Swiss Alpine Club, which can be reached from Bergell over the Val Bondasca. Directly above the hut attracts the North Rim (IV, a point V ) razor sharp and straight to the top. The North Rim, also known simply Badile - edge is certainly one of the most beautiful and popular edges run in the Alps with an edge length of about 1,200 m, it was on August 4, 1923 by Alfred first ascent Zurich and its leader Walter Risch.

The route through the northeast wall ( Via Cassin, V / A0 or VI ) was defeated in August 1937 by Riccardo Cassin, together with V. Ratti, G. Esposito, Mario Molteni and Giuseppe Valsecchi in a three -day battle in the fall weather. Molteni and Valsecchi died during the descent on the southern flank of exhaustion.

Hermann Buhl made ​​headlines when he 1952, the northeast wall ( Cassinführe ) for the first time alone committed suicide after he had arrived the day before with the bike out of the around 160 km away Landeck and on the same weekend returned there again.

Since 1967 is in close proximity to the summit, a bivouac of the CAI.
