PLA Unit 61398

Unit 61398 is the common name of a suspected cyber warfare unit of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, which is to deal with espionage and sabotage of computer systems, preferably in the USA. The unit 61398 Believed to be in recent years in computer systems of the U.S. government, the U.S. military ( and Others Defense, NASA) and also several times in computer major media houses chopped ( eg New York Times, Wall Street Journal) have. Also important business enterprises (eg, General Motors) to have been spying.

The U.S. government complained for some time about the activities of this unit to comprise several thousand members in English with excellent IT skills according to U.S. figures. According to the U.S. security firm Mandiant the fit of the unit should be in a high-rise building of the Shanghai Pudong financial district.

China itself denies the existence of such a group.


Where the name is currently unknown. Most likely, the name goes back to an internal naming of the Chinese army.
