Play-by-mail game#Play-by-Email

Play-by - email ( -Game/-Spiel ) (short: PBEM, English: play-by - email game - to German: game via e-mail) is a gameplay for turn-based multiplayer games, in which the actions the players and the results of a turn, be sent by e -mail over the Internet. This variety is that of the classic post game, taking the place of letters or dispatches the e-mail medium occurs. Both board games and computer games are played as a PBEM. Many board games, especially chess in the form of correspondence chess, are played in a similar fashion since the 19th century.


PBEM games form under the multi-player computer games in a sense the opposite of the online games. While playing online games the communication between the computers is synchronous, it runs in PBEM games asynchronously. The advantage of this method is that the players can run their trains at any one time, so not all participants have to sit at the computer at the same time. This is about online play with other players from different time zones advantage. A disadvantage of the asynchronous communication is the considerable time required for a single round, caused by the wait for the results of the coatings of other players. This is especially gaming with a Zugauswertung take turns taking place, the principle of most games, the case. With a large number of players is therefore more suitable games that require the simultaneous train gift, as it is for example in the board game Diplomacy is the case.

The client-based and host-based PBEM: From these two mechanisms of classic board games, the essential characteristics of the PBEM result.

Host-based PBEM ( simultaneous Zugauswertung )

For host -based PBEM can be sent by the participating players in parallel ( ie simultaneously ) commands via e- mail to the game organizer or game host. The evaluation of the moves done to certain, for all players at the same time points by the host, either manually by a human evaluator or -. Especially with complex games - by a computer program The evaluation is then sent back simultaneously to all players. Great host-based PBEMs can have in a game more than a thousand players. Known representatives for evaluators are about the Judge in diplomacy or the game engine of the PBEM Atlantis, of which there are in addition to the original English version and a German offshoot, the German Atlantis. Eressea, an offshoot of Atlantis, and Legends are examples of PBEMs with many players. Fantasya is another German Atlantis imitation. There are numerous topics that are served by PBEM games - for example: fantasy, science fiction, military or even sports games.

Host-based PBEM games are similar in their communication behavior often turn-based browser games. Partial Evaluation is carried out in so fast timing that is not on the features of any other player is maintained, for example in the commercial PBEM Quest online.

Client -based PBEM ( sequential Zugauswertung )

The client -based PBEM the moves are sent consecutively, starting from a teammate to the next. The moves are thereby evaluated on the clients of the other players. The active player gives his commands locally in his system and can often directly observe the effect of his actions. The pieces of the other players behave passively or follow pre-determined rules. This is also the basic principle of chess, where the active player can beat the other figures without that could intervene to its active phase. Modern computer games of this type, such as Empire, Battle Isle ( II & III), Age of Wonders or Future Wars (2010), however, have much more complex rules and require a special rich client of the game each player on the system. But rich clients can also perform due to their direct control over the hardware on which they run, represent more dynamic and complex multimedia content, than would be possible in a browser game or a text based e- mail game.

Client -based PBEM not require a centralized, always- on network game host. Individual games can therefore be set up and played without an elaborate technical infrastructure.

Client -based PBEM similar in style of play very the hotseat mode, offer some games. Mostly hotseat games can also be played by storing and sending the saved game simply as e- mail game.


RPG PBEM (also: RPG ) form a special feature under the PBEM games, because the underlying gameplay is not strictly turn-based. Rather, the playing of the action happens in that each participant describes any action of his character in text. These games can also be played as a mixed form of host-based and non - host-based PBEM. Basically, every game does have a Game Master or Game host controlling the action and, so to speak ended with his evaluations a round, the length of such rounds is not strictly defined and the players communicate sometimes directly and indefinite periods each other to play off situations (for example, trade in goods ). Unlike a chat role play a PBEM role-playing game does not run in real time, but the participants can have time to answer their mail. Examples of games of this type Chrestonim, Legends, Heroes World, Stargate X, USS Explorer, the DSA feud game as well as the Star Trek PBEM community SFG.

Dissemination of PBEM

The determination of the popularity of PBEM is difficult because the games are played, with the exception of the large host-based games mostly decentralized in rounds. From the number of available computer games and the mention in game forums, magazines and at trade shows can be seen, however, that PBEM is only perceived by a minority of all players. The main reason for this probably lies in the limited ability to produce game action, as well as the necessary patience and high endurance, that are necessary for playing through such a game. In the computer games host-based PBEM games are more common than client -based, which can be attributed to the ease of access to this type of game: host-based PBEM games usually require only a web browser or thin client or even just an e -mail program, while client-based PBEM games usually require the purchase of a special game software.
