
Plectrude ( Bliktrud ) ( * before 670; † after 717, probably in Cologne August 10 725 ) were from poshest austrasischem nobility and is venerated as a saint. You probably originates from the Hugo - Bert Irmina clan.

She was probably the daughter of Irmina of Oeren and ( Count Palatine ) Hugo Bert, and thus the sister of the abbess Adela of Pfalzel near Trier. For about 670/675 it was with the Carolingian Pippin Meier married the Middle. With him she made ​​numerous donations to churches and monasteries. It appears historically probable that by it brought into the marriage goods Pippin helped to overcome the crisis of arnulfingischen house. This also explains why Plectrude was involved in all legal transactions Pippin. Her sons Drogo and Grimoald the Younger were equipped with important offices by Pippin.

Shortly before the death of Pepin tried the rights of their grandchildren ( their sons had already died ) to defend against the claims of Pepin's son Charles Martel Friedel. Pippin agreed that an illegitimate son Grimoalds the Younger, Theudoald, should inherit from him. Karl was first jailed by Plectrude in Cologne. He managed to escape and force using a standard established by him force Plectrude 717 finally recognize his rights, however. According to tradition she died 725 in Cologne.

Plectrude is the founder of St. Maria im Kapitol in Cologne, where she was buried. A precious sarcophagus was recovered during excavations. Your bones are lost after the 2nd World War.
