
Pneumatology (Greek πνεῦμα, pneuma, "breath, breath", and λόγος, logos, " speech, sense " ) generally refers to the doctrine of the spirits in spiritualism, but especially within the dogma of Christian theology, the doctrine of and reflection on the Holy spirit, the third person of the Trinity.

Pneumatology in spiritualism

In spiritualism it comes to the question of the reality of the spirit world. So Baron Güldenstubbe used the term in its necromancy in his book Positive pneumatology. 194 dead letters from all times and in various languages ​​.

Pneumatology in the Bible

In view of the Bible is spoken mainly about the Old Testament, the Johannine and Pauline pneumatology. In the Johannine pneumatology especially the view from the Paraclete stands out.

Pneumatology in the Theology

Protestant Theology

The doctrine of the Holy Spirit ( pneumatology ) is part of Christian doctrine ( dogma ). It is often starting from the third article of the Apostles' Creed ( Credo) formulated. Their inclusion in the canon of dogma is inconsistent. It can be used both as a generic term for soteriology, ecclesiology and eschatology ( Eberhard Jüngel ), and the doctrine of grace be subordinated (Horst Georg Pohlmann ). Pöhlmann warns against playing off pneumatology to Christology, or to construct a contrast between Christocentricity and Pneumatozentrik. This is impossible when you consider that in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is identified with Christ. " The Lord is the Spirit ," it says 2 Corinthians 3:17. The Holy Spirit is the Christ praesens. In this context, the statements of the farewell discourse of Jesus to his disciples in the Gospel of John important ( Ch. 14-17). The gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12 ) play a prominent role in the practice of the faith of Pentecostal and charismatic communities. "It belongs to the unavailability of mind that his work is not read in the world and history, but that he only taught alone and in the revelation of Christ himself " ( Pöhlmann, p.260 ). "Salvation is the individual appropriated by the Holy Spirit sola gratia, sola fide, solo Christo" (ibid.).

Karl Barth's pneumatology is marked as particularly Christocentric.

Jürgen Moltmann's pneumatology sees itself as " an invitation to the opening of the experiences of the life - giving Spirit and the affirmation of life, to overcome the threats of life and rebirth. " He strives in it, among other things, the " alternative between the divine revelation overcome and the human experience of the Holy Spirit. " He understands the Holy Spirit programmatically as " spirit of life ".

Catholic Theology

According to Catholic understanding of ecclesiology is referred to pneumatology. Therefore do not be occurred as a separate treatise long time in the classical form of the Catholic dogma pneumatology.

Pneumatology in medicine

Jean N. Demarquay introduced the term in 1867 in medicine as a collective term for the investigation of gases a.
