
58.80055623.519444Koordinaten: 58 ° 48 'N, 23 ° 31' O

Põgari Sassi is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Ridala ( Ridala vald ) in Lääne in Estonia.

Population, location and history

The place has thirteen inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). He is in the northwest of the peninsula Puise.

To the north of the village center extends the Sassi ( Sassi pool saar ) Peninsula. This moves on to the island Tauksi connects. East is the Bay of Topu ( Topu Laht ).

Besides Tauksi to the area of the village include many other small islands. The largest are Liialaid, Sõmeri, Porgi, Suurrahu, Roograhu, Kuivarahu, Suur- Härjamaa and Väike Härjamaa.

In the sanctuary of Põgari Sassi Soviet occupation of the country took place on 22 September 1944, the last session of the Estonian Government before the (second) instead. Subsequently, numerous members of the Baltic fled into Swedish exile.
