
Polygyny ( polygamy ) is a form of marriage, that is a special form of polygamy in which a man is allowed to marry more than one wife. Polygyny is widespread in many regions more than polyandry. Is a man beside a relationship with exactly two women, which is also called Bigynie.

Many polygynous marriage Communities know a pronounced hierarchy and strong rivalry between the women. The first (time) women have a higher status than the next for them in most cases. Polygyny is also often an expression of a stratification between age and gender: In many polygynous societies older men very young women and young men marry either stay very long single or marry older widows.

The occurrence of polygyny correlates with political and economic systems in which human resources - and not land or goods - are the most important resources.

  • 3.1 polygyny in ants


Forms of polygyny

General polygyny

Of general polygyny is called when every man of the company concerned has the opportunity to marry several wives, and this also aspires. General polygyny comes tend to be more present in egalitarian societies organized.

Limited polygyny

From limited polygyny is then spoken when multiple marriages are only a small group of men reserved. Limited polygyny is tends to be present in highly stratified societies.

In some societies with limited polygyny only leaders or chiefs have the right to marry multiple women. In the Trobriand Islanders, for example, polygyny is a status symbol, with the power of a chief is expressed: it can more children and family relationships have, which he in turn can strategically manipulate through polygyny. Thus, it has a broader economic base, and he can, to a certain degree not only his wives, but also their brothers control.

Polygyny with / without co-residency

If the women live together and live, is spoken of polygyny with co-residency. Polygyny with separate residence occurs much less frequently.

Sororale polygyny

Are the wives sisters, one speaks of sororaler polygyny. In the cultural comparison, the non- polygynous marriages are more common than sororalen sororale represented. This form of marriage should not be confused with the sororate.

Polygyny in the animal world

In animals it is called polygyny, when a male mates with several females within a breeding season, the females but only with this one male. Mate the females with several males, then one speaks of promiscuity.

A classic example of polygyny or polyandry is the Dunnock, which has a flexible mating system and changes depending on the condition between monogamy, polyandry, polygyny and Polygynandrie. Obligate polygyny is observed in almost all gallinaceous birds ( Galliformes ) and many mammalian species. But even with insects - as with the wasp - polygyny is common.

Polygyny in ants

In ant colonies are referred to as polygynous, which contain more than one queen. Distinction is made between primary ( joint creation of several young queens ) and secondary polygyny ( Adoption of young queens ) must be distinguished. Secondary polygynous ant colonies live theoretically infinitely long since deceased queens are replaced using the adoption and the colony thus can exist far beyond the life span of a single queen.
