Pompeo Batoni

Pompeo Girolamo Batoni (also: Battoni ) ( born February 5, 1708 Lucca, † February 4, 1787 in Rome) was an Italian painter. Batoni is considered the inventor of the tourist portraits. He developed this portrait type for English tourists in Rome.


Batoni, a student Sebastiano Conca and Agostino Masuccis, levied by Emperor Joseph II to the peerage, died on February 4, 1787 in Rome. He was in his time very highly valued and placed in a line with Anton Raphael Mengs. His career as an independent artist in 1739 begins anecdotal. During a rainstorm Gabrielli di Gubbio, a count from the Umbrian Baccaresca protection from the storm under a portico of the Roman curator palace. Here he meets the artist who makes some drawings there. They get into conversation and the Count follows the artist in his studio. From the illustrated done, the Earl granted him the commission for an altarpiece of the Roman church of San Gregorio Magno al Celio. His first important work is getting there as the left side altar today.

At first he sought the hand of antiquity and the studies by Raphael to fight the mannerist direction of its time, but never got beyond an academic attitude and superficial charm.

Among his works are the most famous: the penitent Mary Magdalene ( circa 1742, oil on canvas, formerly in the Gemäldegalerie in Dresden, war loss in the bombing on February 13, 1945), a Holy Family, Thetis, Achilles back -sustaining by the centaur Chiron, volcano in the smithy of Scipio ( in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg), the Family of Darius before Alexander ( painted for the King of Prussia), which of the four parts of the world adored heart of Jesus (a large altarpiece, 1780 for a newly built church in Lisbon customized), the ceiling of the Colonna Gallery at Rome, the portraits of the Popes Benedict XIV, Clement XIII. and Pius VI. , the Emperor Joseph II and his brother Leopold of Tuscany ( in the Belvedere at Vienna ). In the Roman Church Eligio de ' Ferrai him a painting attributed.

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Location of the paintings or collections related to the year 1889. These can now find elsewhere ( as is the painting of Joseph II and his brother now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna).


Humorous and ironic snideness about the (formerly ), Reproduction in almost every European bedroom hanging picture of the penitent Mary Magdalene remarked the journalist, writer and painter Joachim Fernau. He held Bat ( t) oni, which is probably his life could not decide on the spelling of his own name, to produce a luminary, which was not too bad and terrible filth, those very penitent Mary Magdalene.
