Pomponius Secundus

Publius Pomponius Secundus (full name may Publius Pomponius Secundus Calvisius Sabinus ) was a Roman senator, general and poet of tragedies in the 1st century, during the reign of Tiberius times, Caligula and Claudius.


Pomponius was born around the beginning of the 1st century. In the year 31 he became involved after the fall of Sejanus as to its conspiracy accused by former praetor Considius Proculus, but not convicted. In turn, reached in 33 Pomponius ' brother Quintus the conviction and execution of Considius. Publius Pomponius Secundus was apparently released after the accession to power of Caligula from seven years' imprisonment. He was 44 Suffektkonsul under Claudius in the year. In 47 reprimanded the emperor that Pomponius was booed at the theater.

Some years later, 50/ 51, Pomponius was governor of Germania Superior. In this position, he led a successful campaign described by Tacitus against the Germanic tribe of the Chatti, in which, after forty years, prisoners were released from the Varus Battle. Pomponius was awarded for his success the ornamenta triumphalia.

Pomponius was a friend of Pliny the Elder, who also wrote a biography about him, now lost.

Tacitus praises addition to the exemplary personality of Pomponius especially its long-lasting literary fame. Quintilian described him as the best contemporary tragedy author. However, Pomponius was controversial during his lifetime. He quarreled with Seneca, who also wrote tragedies about language issues. According to the younger Pliny, he was sometimes decide in his pieces the audience about the retention or deletion of a point.

The works of Pomponius are lost except for a few fragments. As the title of his tragedies Aeneas and Atreus have survived.
