Pong Hau K'i

Umul Gonu is a Korean or in the designation Pong Pong Hau Hau k'i or Qi a Chinese board game with simple strategic elements for two people and is mainly played by children. It is widely used in East Asia and is called in Thailand sua tok tong and in Punjab do- guti.

Material and rules

The board is marked with a square and its diagonal line of the square with one side missing. It is played with four tiles which only flies to move and may remain only in the diagonal intersection and at the corners. Each of the player has two stones, it as explained above, can move on the board. The goal is to ensure that the opponent is blocked and can not move. In this case, no characters can be omitted.

At the beginning of the game, the four pieces are lined up on opposite sides. To exit the game immediately, the beginning of the end has to pull a train that allows the opponent to continue playing for the first train. To make the game more difficult, it should be played as fast as possible.
