Pons Probi

41.8812.470833333333Koordinaten: 41 ° 52 '48 " N, 12 ° 28' 15" E


Connection Ripa Trastevere


The Ponte di Probo (Latin: Pons Probi ) was a historic bridge in Rome that spanned the Tiber River, and the districts of Trastevere Ripa and association.

The road bridge was named after the Emperor Probus client ( 232-282 ) named and renovated under Theodosius I in the 4th century. According to him, it was called in the Middle Ages Pons Marmoreus Theodosii.

The bridge may have been built in order to connect the water mills, the predecessor of Probus, Aurelian had established on the Janiculum on the Tiber granaries harbor.

It was destroyed in a fire in the 19th century. Remains of the foundations are still visible at low water in the Tiber.
