Ponte di Pioraco

43.17909412.984783Koordinaten: 43 ° 10 ' 44.7 " N, 12 ° 59' 5.2 " E


Branch of the Via Flaminia


The Ponte di Pioraco is a Roman bridge in Pioraco, Macerata Province ( Central Italy ).

Built probably under Augustus building belonged to a side street off the Via Flaminia, which ran from Nocera Umbra in an easterly direction over Pioraco, San Severino, Treia and Osimo up to Ancona. The bridge consists of a single arch vault, on the side there is a small arc segment is, which rises from the floor and reaches up to half the height of the main arc; the auxiliary arch serves to relieve the inroad.

The stand also in central Italy Ponte del Gran Caso has a similar structure.
