Popular education

While forming the bottom is pedagogically the abolition of the distinction between teachers and learner (as typical of classroom instruction is ), and understood the abolition of the distinction between theory and practice. Content is the self-determined development of the non - hegemonic knowledge of mostly emancipatory embossing in the foreground.

Beneficiaries of this education are often people with below-average cultural and financial possibilities. The formation of the bottom sees itself as political education.

The Popular Education ( Portuguese: educação popular - popular education ) was developed by Paulo Freire as a popular education for illiterate peasants in Latin America. For several years, these approaches gaining in importance worldwide. There are

  • The workshops of the unemployed in Argentina
  • Seminars at the Canadian Postal Workers' Union or
  • The five-week roadshow Trapese by Britain before the G8 summit in Gleneagles in 2005.

The goal of Popular Education is not mere knowledge, but social change. Real social change could only be achieved if the people change. Here, the principles apply: positive, productive and participatory.

One can only learn with each other, so the approach if all come from different life experiences. The only way to ensure that the future actively and independently - is designed - from the bottom.

Workers' Education / Trade union education work

The Proletcult movement at the beginning of the 20th century assumed that the workers' education is a very different than the civil education. With the Summer School in Capri and later with the establishment of a workers' universities, education should be implemented from the bottom. In the GDR special workers 'and peasants' colleges were founded in the 50s.

Within the workers' education frequently been pointed out that the formation as they term in the prevailing educational institutions, not working men and children is justified, nor let them participate equally. Especially Oskar Negt developed an approach, which starts from the reality of life of the workers and they can make each other primarily for trade union education.

Volks -Unis

With the Critical universities of the 68 -Unis and the people of the 80s was trying to organize an education that does not require hierarchical relationship. To the theory should be practical and educational institutions should open people who otherwise have no access to higher education. Frigga Haug as co-founder of VolksUni Berlin here spoke explicitly of an educational approach from below.

Archive from below

Already in the labor movement, but also in the new social movements, to archives from below, with the aid of a knowledge of their own political, social and cultural history should be established founded. Archive from below feel thus a historiography bound, referred to as history from below. It is about political life story that has been forgotten. One of history from below also feel the history workshops connected.

