Porozovo, Ivanovo Oblast

Porosowo (Russian Порозово ) is a village in the Ivanovo (Russia).


The village is located about 110 km northeast of Ivanovo Oblasthauptstadt and about 3 km northwest of the city Sawolschsk on the left bank of the Volga River, opposite the city Kineschma. Above the village cross a 1640 meter long, 2003, after 19 years of construction opened bridge during the regional road R101 the Volga.

Since 2009 Porosowo heard along with 23 other towns to rural community Meschduretschenskoje selskoje posselenije with a total of 2184 inhabitants (14 October 2010).

Volga bridge to Kineschma

The Volga near Porosowo, in the background the chemical plant in Sawolschsk
