Potentilla arenaria

Sand cinquefoil ( Potentilla arenaria )

The sand cinquefoil ( Potentilla arenaria, Syn: Potentilla incana ) is a flowering plant in the rose family ( Rosaceae ). It comes in Central Europe very common to very rare.


The sand Cinquefoil differs from Spring cinquefoil ( Potentilla neumanniana ), which it is very similar otherwise. Due to the dense pubescence with many-rayed stellate hairs The lower leaf surface is very densely tomentose stellate hairs and thus colored light gray green on top of the hair is a little less dense. Can not always be strictly separated from each other but both types, because there something called Intermediärformen. In addition, it is not uncommon to x subarenaria Bastardisierungen of Potentilla Potentilla arenaria and neumanniana = Potentilla.

The sand cinquefoil is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches the stature heights of 5 to 15 cm. There are gebildendt lawn like stocks, but without stolon -like rhizomes extended. The stems and especially the underside of the leaves are more or less densely covered with 15 to 25 (6 to 35) - rayed stellate hairs and also with small, bright glands. The flower stalks have star hair and glands. The radial symmetry flowers have a diameter 8-12 mm. The petals are yellow. It blooms from March to May


Site conditions

Potentilla arenaria is a light-and heat -loving plant that grows on dry, nutrient-poor, calcareous, sandy, stony or rocky sites. It prefers sandy corridors and Kalktrockenrasen or clear pine dry forests.


The sand cinquefoil is a European- continental Florenelement. The western boundary runs from Alsace to the Nahe Valley. The area extends through Central and Eastern Europe to the southern Ural region and in the northern Caucasus region. In the north, the border cuts across the north German lowlands to southern Sweden and the Baltic. In the south draws the line along the Rhine from Basel to Lake Constance, to Austria via Hungary and Yugoslavia to the Black Sea in Bulgaria.

Distribution in Germany

The sand cinquefoil is scattered in front in the central and eastern Germany. In addition, it is rare or absent.

Distribution in Austria

In Austria the Sand Spring cinquefoil in the Pannonian region occurs very frequently, otherwise scattered to rarely. The deposits extend to the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Upper Austria, Styria and Carinthia. In the northern foothills of the Alps, it is considered endangered.


The strong tendency to bastardization and similarity to the Spring Cinquefoil the species is often ignored.
