Primitive communism

Urkommunismus referred mainly to the history of Marxism believes early human life forms in which no social division of labor and therefore no class formation, however, a common property of all necessities of life remain to be adopted. Such conditions can in a time before the emergence of the husband family mother, father, children, have existed as living in a largely unregulated " hordes ." Like in the, capitalism projected as below communism of the highly developed human society, there are the primitive communism neither money nor private ownership of social means of production ( eg, factories ) and little or no production for the exchange or trade, so no production of goods, but merely the production of consumer goods for the most own and up soon with the Horde. This is an accumulation of equities and commodities excluded as a social means of enrichment and power base.

Theoretical treatise

Friedrich Engels defined in his essay The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State ( MEW, Vol 21, published 1884), this time the " wildness " before the advent of private property as primitive communism. In these social formations he assumes neither personal property nor family, social differentiation, domination, overproduction or ideology.

Whether a primitive communism, however, is generally regarded as early historical stage of human development, such as in the Marxist historical materialism, is controversial. According to the Marxist theory of social formations change with the development of productive forces and the relations of production. In primitive communism which meant in practice that with increasing development of productive forces, the hunter-gatherers to herdsmen and more localized breeders and farmers were. However, arable made ​​land, cattle and people paved the way for the slave-owning societies and the later feudalism. This settled life and the beginnings of over- production and stock together with the means of food preservation and population growth, have created the need and the possibility of trading, ie the exchange of goods for goods initially - later of goods for money. According to the Marxist view, Marx: "The history of mankind is a history of class struggles ", led this production conditions for transition to slave society and feudalism, since not all had to work by reason of the product, the market and the durability of goods and values, unless they were on the other to acquire riches in the situation. The Rape of serfs, land and livestock, thus ended the primitive communism.
