Princes of Conti

The Bourbon -Conti was since the 16th century, the name of younger sub-branches of the House of Bourbon - Condé, named after the small town of Conti -sur- Selles (now Conty ) at Amiens.


Isabelle de Conti ( † before 1438 ), the heiress of the original house Conti, the rule Conti left testamentary her husband, Colart de Mailly. In this family it remained until Madeleine de Mailly († 1567), daughter of Ferry II de Mailly († 1513 ) and Louise de Montmorency (* 1490, † June 12, 1547 ), together with the goods Sailly, Talma, Florence and Tontignies in marriage to Charles de Roye, comte de Roucy, (* January 14, 1510; † January 19, 1551 ) brought. Her daughter Éléonore married Louis I. de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, and the government came so as appanage to her second son François common. Since he died without legitimate heirs, Conti dropped back to the house Condé. Second Prince of Conti was François ' nephew Henry II, who was also third prince of Condé.

In Robert Merle's book series " Fortune de France " a princess de Conti occurs, the daughter of Henri I de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, was. She lived after that in 1614 and has at that time about 30 years old ( and, according to Merle very nice) have been.

The younger line of the house of Conti

Founder of the youngest branch of the House Conti was a younger brother of the Great Condé, Armand de Bourbon, prince de Conti. He was in the faction opposed to the court party, but later became reconciled with the king returned out and died as governor of Languedoc.

His son François Louis, Prince of La Roche -sur- Yon and Conti, was elected in 1697 to the king of Poland, but was able to Augustus the Strong of Saxony not keep.

His grandson, Louis François I de Bourbon, prince de Conti participated in the War of Austrian Succession in part, commanded in 1744 in Piedmont, 1745 in Germany and 1746 in Flanders. He built one of the largest art and curiosities of his time and was just as his grandfather candidate for the Polish throne.

A natural daughter of the latter, Amélie Gabrielle Stephanie Louise de Bourbon- Conti ( * June 30, 1756, † 1825) wrote the Mémoires historiques (1797, German 1809). This took Goethe as a material for natural daughter. With her ​​brother, Louis François Joseph, the house went out.

Princes of Conti

  • François ( * 1558, † 1614), probably 1588 1st prince de Conti
  • Armand (* 1629, † 1666), probably 1629 3rd prince de Conti, son of Henri II
  • Louis Armand I ( * 1661, † 1685), 1666 4th prince de Conti, son of Armand
  • François Louis ( * 1664, † 1709), called le Grand Conti, prince de Conti 1685 5, 1697 elected King of Poland, brother of Louis Armand I.
  • Louis Armand II († 1727), 1709 6th prince de Conti, 1st Duke of Mercœur, son of François Louis '
  • Louis François ( * 1717, † 1776), 1727 7th prince de Conti, 3rd Duke of Mercœur, son Louis Armand II
  • Louis François Joseph (* 1734, † 1814), 1776 8th prince de Conti, 4th Duke of Mercœur, son of Louis François '

Other members of

  • Louise Henriette de Bourbon -Conti (1726-1759), French princess and by marriage Duchess of Chartres and Orléans
  • French nobility
  • House Conti