Progressive National Baptist Convention

The Progressive National Baptist Convention (short PNBC ) is an African-American Baptist Churches, civil rights and social justice has set about its objectives.


The PNBC was founded in 1961 in Cincinnati, Ohio as a breakaway from the older National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. ( NBCUSA ). Following the decision of the Supreme Court for racial segregation in 1954 NBCUSA followed a policy that led away from the civil rights movement. The desire of some members to support the civil rights movement fully, led to internal disputes. More disagreements for the election of decision-makers and to the duration of the term of office NBCUSA presidents followed.

The conflict was sparked by the re-election of Reverend Joseph Jackson for President. Dr. Martin Luther King supported Gardner Taylor as their presidential candidate. Taylor was defeated in the election of 1961. 33 delegates from 14 states met it in the Zion Baptist Church in Cincinnati, to discuss a new organization. The decision establishing the PNBC was made and, in particular, influenced by the voice of Reverend L. Venchael Booth, the pastor of the Zion Baptist Church.

The PNBC followed her path of political activism and supported groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Organization, statistics, ecumenical memberships

Headquarters of PNBC is Washington, DC. Partner of PNBC since 1970, the American Baptist Churches USA. The conferences of the PNBC be held in August each year.

According to various sources from 1994 and 1995, the PNBC has 741 member churches and from 1.2 to 2.5 million members.

The PNBC a member of the National Council of Churches of the USA and the Baptist World Alliance.

For basic program of the fellowship PNBC heard the concept, progress and peace (Community, progress and peace ). The PNBC belongs to the theologically liberal Baptist denominations in the United States and has introduced the ordination of women.

Known members of the PNBC

Significant members were or are:

  • Martin Luther King
  • Benjamin Mays
  • Ralph David Abernathy
  • Gardner C. Taylor.