Projekt Gutenberg-DE

The Project Gutenberg -DE offers German language e - texts financed by advertising on the Internet. This is in most cases to texts by authors who died more than 70 years ago and whose work is therefore in the public domain, were no longer subject to copyright. Since July 2011, provides the Project Gutenberg- DE together with the tredition -Verlag in Hamburg, the first of the many out of print works again as a printed book in trading on. Will be available in book form again almost all the titles until December 2011.

Relation to the Project Gutenberg

The name of the project is modeled on the free international public-domain project Project Gutenberg, which was already founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart. The naming took place in 1994 with Hart's consent.

In contrast to the free international Project Gutenberg, which also includes German texts, but a Download complete text is in the Project Gutenberg- DE is subject to restrictions as the company Hille Partner rights to the products sold by it and by volunteers electronically processed public domain texts claimed. Total expenditure available on DVD ( 30.90 € ) and USB stick ( 39.90 euros ).

Copyright issues

Although the copyright claim has already gone to the works, the company Hille Partner constitute a copyright claim for the entire contents of the project Gutenberg DE with the HTML editing and linking of texts, compiling and written for the company supplementary texts such as explanations and author information.

Legally, this copyright claim is to be considered as very uncertain. In particular, no sign copyright claim on the contents of the books Hille Partner, since the texts are already in the public domain. Regarding the question whether the conversion is sufficient to HTML format in order to claim copyright protection of the HTML formatting can, the decision of a higher court remains to be seen.

GaGa - Working Together to Gutenberg

Was also initiated by the Hille GbR mid-December 2004, the project GaGa - Working together to Gutenberg, a Web page, which organizes the distributed proofreading of books pages for Gutenberg -DE.

As with Distributed Proofreaders books are scanned and subjected to OCR. Through volunteers, the OCR result is compared with the original image and corrected. On 28 February 2007, was 500,000. Page of the Project GaGa processed. In the texts created by GaGa no copyright is claimed.
