
Pseudolais is a genus of the family of shark catfish, the two types: Pseudolais micronemus and Pseudolais pleurotaenia covers. Both are in South East Asia in the Mekong and other rivers and are fished commercially.

The genus Pseudolais, often referred to with the younger synonym Pteropangasius, was separated from the genus Pangasius based on morphological and molecular differences, but is still sometimes performed as a subgenus. In addition to the typical physique of siamese catfish with Wi- scale, long body, short dorsal fin with spine and long anal fin itself indicates the genus Pseudolais by a number of characteristics: The hull is keeled on the entire length of the abdomen. The eyes are large. The body carries on the flanks of two stripes along the lateral line, which meet at the base of the pectoral fins. The swim bladder is a vierlappig, with segmented fourth lobe.
