Pterocarpus erinaceus

Pterocarpus erinaceus Blooming

Pterocarpus erinaceus is a species of the subfamily of the Fabaceae ( Faboideae ) within the legume family ( Fabaceae ).


In Pterocarpus erinaceus is a tree that reaches heights of growth of up to 12 meters and trunk diameter of up to 1 meter. The dark gray bark is red in the gate. The change-constant leaves are pinnate.

The racemose inflorescences are up to 20 cm long. The asymmetric flowers are pale yellow. The fruits are flat wing nuts, winged at the edge and filled in the center with strong bristles.


Pterocarpus erinaceus is common in savannas of the Sudan - Guinea zone and in tropical Africa.


Known as the " African Rosewood " wood is used as a furniture and lumber and tools and musical instruments. The secreted when cutting the bark of red juice ( " Cinema de Gambie " ) is used for dyeing and medicinal. The leaves are a popular animal feed.
