Puer aeternus#Peter Pan syndrome

The Peter Pan syndrome is the title of a book by the American family therapist Dan Kiley. He writes in popular science about " men who will never grow up " ( subtitle of the book ). The early 1980s also appeared on German Guide book enjoyed great popularity. The term " Peter Pan Syndrome" remained popular for the term inappropriately childish behavior patterns in men.

Meanwhile, the term is also input into science. Thus, the American scientist John J. Ratey counts (Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School), the " Peter Pan Syndrome" with at certain brain abnormalities, which he calls shadow syndromes. About this recent neuropsychiatry Ratey also reported together with Catherine Johnson in the 1998 published technical book Shadow Syndromes: The Mild Forms of Major Mental Disorders That Sabotage Us.

The syndrome

Kiley describes six symptoms of the Peter Pan syndrome, in which he describes the terms " syndrome " and " Symptoms" Although borrowed from clinical psychology, but it is used in its own style and popular science:

Term origin

Peter Pan, after Dan Kiley named this syndrome is the main hero of the early 20th century created by the British author JM Barrie popular children's story. This is about the temporary friendship of three ordinary London children with the fascinating boy who lures them into his dreamlike Neverland where they will experience unparalleled adventure, but eventually driven back by homesick. Peter Pan, the partout do not want to grow up, but spends his life in an eternal game remains lonely.
