
Pulquina is a village in the department of Santa Cruz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Pulquina is the central place of the Canton Pulquina district ( bolivian: Municipio) Comarapa in the province of Manuel María Caballero. The village lies at an altitude of 1535 m in a fertile valley of the Río San Isidro, which flows coming from Comarapa below Pulquina in the Río Mizque.


Pulquina is located in the transition zone between the Andes mountain range, the Cordillera Central and the Cordillera Oriental.

The climate is despite the altitude no less hot than in the nearby lowlands, but due to the lower rainfall less humid. The mean average temperature of the region is about 27 ° C (see climate chart Comarapa ) and varies only slightly between 24 ° C in July and 29 ° C in December and January. The annual precipitation is 500 mm, with a dry season from April to October month rainfall below 20 mm, and a humidity from December to February with an 90-100 mm monthly rainfall.

Traffic network

Pulquina lies at a distance of 223 kilometers of road west of the capital of the department of Santa Cruz.

From Santa Cruz from the paved highway Ruta 9 performs fourteen kilometers in a south-westerly direction to the junction of Ruta Ruta 7 7 via the towns of Angostura and Samaipata after Comarapa and on to Cochabamba. About 22 kilometers before Comarape branches off the Route 5, heading west, which goes past the villages Pulquina and Saipina after Aiquile and on to Sucre and Potosí.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades by more than half:

Due to the historically evolved population distribution, it presents a certain amount of Quechua population in the municipality of Comarapa 47.4 percent of the population speak the Quechua language.
