
Mensa Select 1997 Games Magazine: Game of the Year 1998

Quoridor is a strategy game for two or four people from Mirko Marchesi. It appeared in 1997 in different countries through the games publishers FX Schmid, Gigamic and the Great American Trading Company.


A = correct blockade with the wall B = incorrect

The playing field consists of 9x9 fields and the goal is, with its own character to reach the opposite side of the board first. At the start, each player has still some walls: 20 are allocated equally between the players. It is played in turn, while the piece may (if the path is not blocked ) are moved in all four directions. The player can be used instead of a train his character also set a 2 fields long wall and so the path of the opponent block - or to keep open a corridor. It should be noted that after each train all political parties must have the opportunity to reach their target site and that they themselves do not cross the wall stones.


The game was in 1997 with the Mensa Select, a price which is awarded annually by the American Mensa to five games, excellent. Next it was awarded the Games Magazine's Game of the Year 1998.

Similar games

Was published in 2004 in Gigamic the game Quoridor Kid. Even a trip output Quoridor Travel is published by Gigamic.
