Raging Grannies

The Raging Grannies ( German " the angry, angry grannies " but certainly also with the connotation " determined women " ) are an international peace activist organization that was founded in 1986 /87 Canadian Victoria. They came into the headlines when they protested against the Iraq war, the Bush coalition from 2003. You want to protest peacefully exclusively, but to lose sons or grandsons as war heroes they consider extremely wrong. Focus of the group 's activities are now in Canada, the USA and Greece.

The members of the Raging Grannies are older women who dress up ancient and shrill, by his own admission, because "who demonstrates dressed in public, is at least not beaten or abused ." The Raging Grannies often make attention with street theater or form demonstrators regularly chains in front of a government building. They sing this self-written songs to tunes of old protest songs of the peace movement. In California, the Raging Grannies of the National Guard were spying.

In July 2005, five members of the group were convicted of trespassing after they attempted to enlist in a recruiting office for the U.S. Army in Tucson, Arizona. They declared themselves willing to be trained and send to Iraq so that their sons or grandchildren could go home. These recruiting office are now a central Handlungsort the Raging Grannies.

Before Bush 's visit in Germany in 2006 some of the Raging Grannies toured in the main barracks and political places in Germany under the heading "We will not be silent " for an active peace policy. They were also active in 2007 a ​​week in Times Square, NY, as the Granny Peace Brigade.
