Rannu, Ida-Viru County

59.43194426.854444Koordinaten: 59 ° 26 ' N, 26 ° 51 ' E

Rannu a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community is Azeri ( Azeri vald ). It is located in Ida -Viru county (East Wierland ) in the north- east of Estonia

Description and History

The village has 159 inhabitants ( as of 2011). It was the first time in 1241, the Waldemar - Erdbuch documented in the Danish tax book. The history of settlement, however, is probably much older.

1786 Farmer School was founded in Rannu. The most recent school building made ​​of stone was built in 1908-1910. There took place until 1961 lessons.

John Käbin (1905-1999), an Estonian politician and Communist, was from Rannu.
