
Real Climate is one of eleven climatologists powered blog in English, which specializes in natural and geoscientific questions about global warming. In particular, scientific discussions and spread in the media views from the researchers point of view are commented understandable and free of charge. The website is hosted by the non-profit organization Environmental Media Services, a division of the Public Relations Agency Fenton Communications.

Among the permanent authors include Stefan Rahmstorf, Michael E. Mann, Gavin Schmidt, Eric Steig, Raymond S. Bradley, Caspar Ammann, Thibault de Garidel, David Archer and Raymond Pierrehumbert. Other contributions from varying authors.


On one created by Nature in 2006 list of the 50 most popular blogs RealClimate scientists came in third place.

The Scientific American called the site in 2005 in their list of Science & Technology web awards, the editors of the 25 most popular websites.

Even TIME magazine counted RealClimate beginning of 2008 to the 15 best environmental websites on the Internet.

The political scientist Roger Pielke, Jr. commented in January 2005, two months after the start of the blog that the blogger would thus embark on the wrong terrain, as it actually was going to a political dispute in the controversy surrounding global warming and not to climatology in the strict sense.

In connection with the hacking incident on climate research center of the University of East Anglia, the procedure of RealClimate has been criticized, among others, by Hans von Storch. He described the blog as a "mouthpiece of the cartel, which represents the hockey stick graph, a modern central organ ". Critical contributions are there undesirable.

In 2011, the American Geophysical Association awarded the AGU in the same year the newly created and endowed with $ 25,000 Climate communication price to the co-founder of, Gavin Schmidt.
