Red sky at morning

As dawn or dawn, the reddish color of the Osthimmels is called, which occurs about three-quarters to half an hour before sunrise. You can also see the air later at not too high the sun depending on the sky, geographical position and the aerosol content (suspended ). Orange or purple colors are also possible.


The physical cause of the Dawn Treader is the scattering of light in the atmosphere. The molecules of air and water vapor, scatter short-wavelength blue light more than the red, so that during the day the blue sky and created near the horizon outweigh the reddish tones because of the longer path through the atmosphere.

Therefore sometimes be observed even at the rising of the full moon, a redness of the sky. Although the moonlight is more than 0.01 percent of the sunlight, but at full moon makes the sky bright enough that the eye can already see colors.

Dawn in mythology

In ancient Greece, the dawn has its own deity, Homer as " rosy-fingered Eos " ( ῥοδοδάκτυλος Ἠώς rhododaktylos EOS ) sings. In mythology she is the sister of the sun god Helios and the moon goddess Selene. The task of Eos was her brother Helios to pave the way to the daytime sky.

In Roman mythology, Aurora is the goddess of the dawn. Aurora is also used as a synonym for the dawn.

In Christianity, is the dawn of Jesus' mother Mary. Jesus, however, is the sun and you can see by this comparison that the Dawn ( Mary) always from the sun (Jesus Christ ) is dependent. During Advent Roratemessen be celebrated in honor of Mary always before or during the sunrise.

Bauer rule

A farmer's rule states that a pronounced dawn bring bad weather ( dawn, bad weather threatens ). This rule stems from the fact that the weather in Central Europe is mainly determined by the west wind. The eastern sky must be clear for the formation of a dawn, while in the West already can raise clouds, which are driven by the West Wind zoom.
