Red5 (media server)

Red5 is a free streaming server for the Real Time Messaging Protocol ( RTMP).

It is distributed as free software in source code under the terms of the Apache Public License 2.0. It can be installed directly from the standard package sources in the popular Ubuntu Linux distribution.

It is written in Java. The first public version ( 0.2 ) dates from 21 October 2005. It was compiled on the basis of the re-design of Adobe's proprietary Real Time Messaging Protocol and Action Message Format (AMF). It competes with the proprietary Flash Media Server by Adobe Systems.

The software is used, among other things on Facebook. As part of the online conference software OpenMeetings it will also turn used as part of learning platforms such as Stud.IP., Moodle and Dokeos.


It supports streaming and recording of audio and video content, the release of live streams and the concept of Flash Remoting, which objects and method calls between Flash programs ( for example web application and application server) can be sent and so, for example, Flash applications can communicate in the background with a Red5 server. Audio can be streamed in MP3 or AAC, Video to Flash Video or H.264. Red5 continues to support

  • Encrypted connections ( RTMPS )
  • Scripting ( the server) using ActionScript (AS)
  • Server load balancing ( with multiplexing RTMP and the clustering software terracotta )