Regalia of the Russian tsars

The Russian Crown Jewels were the insignia of the Russian Empire.

The collection of the crown jewels of the Russian Tsar is very extensive and is currently in the Kremlin in Moscow.

Description (selection)

Cap of Monomakh

The Cap of Monomakh (Russian Шапка Мономаха, shapka Monomacha ) is one of the symbols of Russian autocracy and is currently on display in the treasury of the Moscow Kremlin. She was the Krönungsinsignie all winning Grand Prince of Moscow and tsars from Peter I to Dmitry Donskoy.

Orlov Diament

The Orlov diamond ( also Orloff Diamond of Empress Catherine II called ) is a 189.62 - carat ( 37.924 g) diamond. The stone is one of the most famous diamonds in the world.

Gallery ( selection)

Two older Russian crown - Hat of Monomakh and the Kazan crown

Ivory throne of Ivan IV

" Big Collection ": the Crown of Tsar Michael I with orb and scepter of Boris Godunov

Royal helmets on an image of the 19th century

Broadsword of Tsar Michael I on a picture of the 19th century

Diamond throne of Tsar Alexis I, in the armory of the Kremlin

Old Believer Priest Nikita Pustosviat in dispute with Partriarch Joachim in matters of faith, painting by Vasily Grigoryevich Perov, 1880 ( in the background is the double throne of silver )

Image of the crown Altabás, 1835

Young Russian Tsar with the cap of Monomakh, scepter and orb of Alexis I of Boris Godunov

Empress Anna with her ​​crown, painting by Louis Caravaque

Sword and shield on Russian stamp

Maltese crown of Tsar Paul I in the Kremlin

Tsar Paul I as Grand Master of the Order of Malta. Portrait of S.Tonci

Orlov diamond in the golden scepter of the Russian Tsars

Shah Diamond, Stamp 1971
