

The Regalmspitze (also Regalpspitze ) is a 2253 meters high, little-known mountain in the Kaiser mountains in the Northern Limestone Alps. When speaking of the Regalmwand (also Regalpwand ), the west upstream, 2227 meter high peaks of the side Regalmspitze is meant.


The Regalmspitze and its tributary, the peaks rise in the eastern part of the Kaiser Mountains, often called the Eastern Emperor. They are located East of the Small Törl and west of the higher and more famous Ackerlspitze. From the south, considered as of Going from the Eastern Emperor forms a famous mountain backdrop, this is also the Regalmspitze to see.


  • Access paths

The Regalmspitze one of the most unknown and rarely bestie own peaks of the Wilder Kaiser due to the challenging ascent. The normal route may be committed only by experienced mountaineers with slip resistance, fear of heights and climbing agility. The access is usually from the south, ie from the Gaudeamushütte or from the Ackerl hut over the highlighted Guild climbing past the poachers pulpit in many switchbacks to the south under the little plaque Törl. Also possible is the ascent of the north, ie from the Griesner Alm in Kaiserbachtal on the Fritz - Pflaum Hut and the Small Törl to the plaque.

  • Normwalweg

In the aforementioned plaque which marked, but unsecured normal route branches off to the Regalmspitze. About Schrofen to a gully, through this up, then continue on craggy ground and short rock steps to the col between Regalmwand and Regalmspitze. There, the key point, which are 5 m high, vertical WANDL must overcome ( II Difficulty according to the UIAA ). In it goes smoothly through the rocks up to the summit at the Regalmspitze.
