


148-156 ° C

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Rifabutin is a drug from the group of anti-tuberculosis, which is used among other things for the treatment of tuberculosis in the simultaneous presence of HIV.

2011 rifabutin was included in the list of essential drugs of the World Health Organization.

Application / Indication

  • Prevention a May Day infection in AIDS patients with a CD4 cell count of less than 100 per liter of blood
  • Treatment a May Day infection in AIDS patients (in combination with clarithromycin, azithromycin, and ethambutol )
  • Therapy of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in combination with yet effective means against which the body has yet developed no resistance.


Rifabutin is effective against Mycobacterium avium - intracellulare by inhibiting bacterial DNA synthesis. The activity is significantly higher in comparison with rifampicin, rifampicin since only inhibits DNA -dependent RNA polymerase.

Counter rifabutin about 20 % of the M. avium - intracellulare strains are resistant against Rafamicin already 94% of said bacterial strains.

Rifabutin shows biological activity against Helicobacter.

Side effects

The side effects that occur are similar as in the medication -tion with rifampicin.

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Increase in Leberenyzme, jaundice

As Überempflichlichkeitsreaktion eosinophilia, bronchospasm, and shock can be mentioned. Rarely, there is a slight to severe uveitis ( reversible). However, the co- drugs -tion increase the risk of uveitis with clarithromycin ( with M. avium - intracellulare infection treatments ) or with fluconazole and derivatives.

Trade names

  • Mycobutin (manufacturer Montedison )